These are all very very cool. The whole set is very stylish. I love the combination of contrasting colors (clothing to nature). The fact that Bosco's hair shines a little blue is an awesome detail. What made you use this title ("Winter of Love")? He looks a little too sad for someone in love, I find...
Thanks so much. Winter of Love does means the positive thing... sometimes... The title that I used was to express the sadness of the love! But I don't think that I applied a suitable title! hehe!
City Jungle / 城市森林 / Hutan Bandar / 町の森
City Jungle in Johore Bahru. 新山的城市森林。 Hutan Bandar di Johor Bahru.
ジョホールバルの町の森。 Entrance to the park is free. 参观这公园是免费的。 Lawatan ke taman ini
adalah percum...
在陽明山, 可以健走爬山踏青、泡湯賞花、看牛看夜㬌、吃野菜和喝咖啡品茗及在網美店裹拍美照, 但我更喜歡找一處寧靜且充滿文青氣息的地方坐下來,
就連什麼事都不做, 光發呆都好, 山上聊 ! 就是一處這樣的地方~
The post 山上聊@陽明山竹子湖私房咖啡茶餐館 appeared first on 蘋果米...
These are all very very cool. The whole set is very stylish. I love the combination of contrasting colors (clothing to nature). The fact that Bosco's hair shines a little blue is an awesome detail.
回覆刪除What made you use this title ("Winter of Love")? He looks a little too sad for someone in love, I find...
To Alex,
回覆刪除Thanks so much.
Winter of Love does means the positive thing... sometimes...
The title that I used was to express the sadness of the love!
But I don't think that I applied a suitable title! hehe!
回覆刪除To 魚仔,