不同的花兒有著不同的美,就像荷花有高雅氣質,木棉有英雄的氣概,鬱金香充滿對愛情的期盼,太陽菊象徵了純潔的愛。我用照片跟大家分享我眼中的花,也許會給你不少人生的感悟喔。 (盛放之荷 | 攝於盧九公園)
澳門毗連中國廣東省,在與我們那麼近的地方,蘊藏著許多讓人難以忘懷的景致,以及豐富的人文資源,讓我們一起向著祖國邁進一小步,感受這個近在咫尺的風光。 (方氏燈樓 | 攝於中國廣東省開平市)
《川西之旅》是我的第一個攝影之旅,也是第一次離開家最久的旅行,眼前看到四川的一切,總是美得令人神往,原始的氣息、人民樸實的生活、多彩的大自然,原來中國也是很美的。黃黃綠綠的丹色山嶺、遼闊的金色川西草原、蓋著純白棉被的黨領雪山、清澈見底的伍須海湖水、光影變化多端的新都橋,這些令人神往的大自然風光,無不使我讚嘆不已。(夕照白塔 | 攝於川西八美惠遠寺)
十年前到雲南旅行時我還在唸書,當時還沒接觸攝影,許多風光都只是走馬看花的,也錯過了用照片把它們一個個留住的機會;十年後,我和朋友們踏上祖國土地,來到中國雲南的西北部。希望可以彌補昔日的遺憾,重新用心感受這片土地。(彩雲之旅 | 攝於中國雲南省香格里拉)
愛上台灣這片土地,就像愛上喝咖啡一樣,她有海島獨特的寧靜,蔚藍的太平洋,豐富多樣的藝術內涵,有禮貼心的服務等。只要你喝一口,去一次台灣,就會愛上她,讓我跟大家一起戀上這片土地吧。(心心相印 | 攝於台灣澎湖七美雙心石滬)
澳門是個彈丸之城,總面積只有五十多平方公里,景點卻充斥著每個角落,景點集中得用走的就可以到了,讓我們一起漫遊澳門,一起發掘她更多的美吧!(藍天澳門 | 攝於澳門主教山)
12/28 is the last day on work this year
Today is the last day on work. I took some photos with my best friends, Kevin, Kenny, Iolanda, Pinto, Terry … etc. Before I bought the digital camera, I did not understand how to treasure our relationship. One day some one leaves, we are able to memorize our happiness and joy when we look at the photos.
多謝你! 我很遺憾沒有在你的耳邊對你表達我的愛和感謝,只有深深地埋藏於心底。
我鼓氣了,我釋放了,我要向世界大聲吶喊 - 「抱緊眼前人」。
當 晚她的心痛得很,氣息也不順暢,媽媽立即打電話招十字車,爸爸在大廈門口等待救護車的來臨,我和小紀很小的弟弟一邊用顫抖的手向她撥扇,祈求可以給她流通 的空氣,一邊用顫抖的嘴巴安慰弟弟和她.。她是個大胖子,救護車到了,祗好請隔壁的健壯男士,小心翼翼地揹她下樓。我沒有跟她到醫院去,只是安慰弟弟入 睡。
我曾經到醫院探望過她,醫院我去的不多:一次是媽媽生了弟弟,我去看看我的好弟弟,一次是我、祝婆婆、她去接倆回來。反正醫院我都不想多去。香港的兒子和孫子都來了,我又怎麼可以不來了呢? 我沒有在身邊的日子裡,我聽回來有以下的片段:
在病床上的她,罵我把她抓回來的鳥養死。我沒有恨她! 卻恨了自己。
I will miss you, Iolanda
Iolanda, a minha coléga em EAG, é bonita e simpatica.
Sorry for my poor Portuguese.
I felt surprised and a bit sad when I heard that she would leave after this month. She is one of the best colleagues I met. She is kind and friendly. And of course, she helps me a lot on work.
I knew that she loves Chinese culture, thus I talked one Chinese story to her, The butterfly lovers, with my bad English. And today I brought the CD to her. She seemed happy and wanted to know more. Therefore, I listed some to her:
(1) The Best of the Chinese Chorus – by the Choir of Chinese Orchestra,
It includes my favourites: Song of rank-and file soldiers, Iron drill Chours and Hebrew slaves chorus “on the Euphrates River bank”. It is very hard to find in Hong Kong or Macau. I bought it from Mainland long long time ago.
(2) Wings of Songs – by Beijing Angelic Choir, 1996 Wind Records Co., Ltd
It is the description of the CD – Wings of Songs, sung by the fine and pure voice of Beijing Angelic Choir, brings you experiencing diverse flok songs from around the world. With the debut of their first album, Chinese Lullabies, Beijing Angelic Choir entered the finalist of the 1996 NAIRD award for the Best Children’s music. Their harmonious sound has captured the fans of the new age, classical and choir music.
And I love it a lot. It makes you feel very relax. And I bought it from Macau
(3) Sing Sing So – by Guang Dong Jie Sheng Recirds Co.,Ltd.
I hope Iolanda and every interested guy enjoy it.
Sorry for my poor Portuguese.
I felt surprised and a bit sad when I heard that she would leave after this month. She is one of the best colleagues I met. She is kind and friendly. And of course, she helps me a lot on work.
I knew that she loves Chinese culture, thus I talked one Chinese story to her, The butterfly lovers, with my bad English. And today I brought the CD to her. She seemed happy and wanted to know more. Therefore, I listed some to her:
(1) The Best of the Chinese Chorus – by the Choir of Chinese Orchestra,
It includes my favourites: Song of rank-and file soldiers, Iron drill Chours and Hebrew slaves chorus “on the Euphrates River bank”. It is very hard to find in Hong Kong or Macau. I bought it from Mainland long long time ago.
(2) Wings of Songs – by Beijing Angelic Choir, 1996 Wind Records Co., Ltd
It is the description of the CD – Wings of Songs, sung by the fine and pure voice of Beijing Angelic Choir, brings you experiencing diverse flok songs from around the world. With the debut of their first album, Chinese Lullabies, Beijing Angelic Choir entered the finalist of the 1996 NAIRD award for the Best Children’s music. Their harmonious sound has captured the fans of the new age, classical and choir music.
And I love it a lot. It makes you feel very relax. And I bought it from Macau
(3) Sing Sing So – by Guang Dong Jie Sheng Recirds Co.,Ltd.
I hope Iolanda and every interested guy enjoy it.
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